

2019 – music as a source of happiness, healing and creativity

So, here it is my 5th annual music blog - especially for the many people I’ve heard from about my previous music lists.  As usual with more exploration, I discovered that 2019 had so much more to offer from artists familiar…

Music as a resource and the best of 2018

Long overdue, this is my annual for my music tribe.  In case you missed it, turns out 2018 was a spectacular year for music old and new.  And if you are reading this piece, wondering how it relates to coaching, the simple…

‘When the world falls apart some things stay in place’

The lyric from the Billy Bragg song, ‘Levi Stubbs’ Tears’ could easily be a summary of how the world feels right now. For me, one of the things that stays in place is the value of music. The connection can be more than its brain altering…